SMP-SMA Labschool adalah sekolah swasta yang berada di Cirendeu, Tangerang Selatan, Banten. Perencanaan sekolah Labschool menerapkan konsep Eco-Green Architecture dengan gaya modern tropis pada bangunannya. Sekolah ini juga menerapkan teknologi dengan sistem smart school untuk memudahkan siswa dan orangtua dalam berkegiatan dan bertransaksi.
The truthfulness of materials of constructions, concrete, bricks, and stone, shall be maintained in all buildings constructed or to be constructed. The seed of Chandigarh is well sown. It is for the citizens to see that the tree flourishes.
All those involved in the construction of an architectural design, from the architect to the builder, have an attachment to the architecture, although it's difficult to quantify the attachment.